Monday, April 24, 2017

Review 5

1) P. Wesley Routon

Jay K. Walker

2) Routon, P.W. ( 1 ) and J.K. ( 2 ) Walker. "Attitude Changes and Self-Perceived Skill Gains from Collegiate Greek Organization Membership*." Social Science Quarterly, vol. 97, no. 3, 01 Sept. 2016, p. 807-822. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/ssqu.12310.

3) This article goes into detail in various different things such as Greek life students opinions on things such as discrimination and legalization of marijuana. On top of that it goes on to talk about leadership skills and interpersonal skills developed by Greek life students. It goes on to explain that these opinions and skills are developed through the experiences and opportunities that students face while they are in Greek life. 

4) Wesley Routon: Wesley is an applied microeconomist, and much of his work falls within labor and education economics. He revived his doctorate in economics from middle Tennessee state university
Jay Walker: Jay's fields of interest are applied microeconomics, labor economics, and the economics of education. He is an assistant professor of economics at Niagara University and was awarded his Ph.D in economics from the university of Memphis. 

5) 1) Large premiums in leadership abilities and interpersonal skills
2) Greek life members have different opinions then non-Greek life students

6) "gains for Greeks in leadership ability, interpersonal skills, and public speaking" page 819

"Male membership has a positive impact on skills related to getting along with individuals of different races and cultures, understanding community problems, and understanding national social problems compared with male non-Greeks" page 819

"Both male and female members report larger skill gains regarding leadership abilities, interpersonal skills, and public speaking" page 818

7) This is a very valuable source because it gives me more benefits that Greek life has on its members. It further explains the skill developed while in Greek life. The uniqueness of Greek life is the fact that it allows its members to face many different experiences that most other students do not have the opportunity to face. These experiences allow its members to further develop their skills and form more open opinions.   

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